Kim Gameroz
Founder & CEO
Kim Gameroz, M.Ed., is a change agent and founder of Teaching Inside Out, revolutionizing classrooms through a systematic approach to teaching social and emotional skills. With over 15 years of experience coaching, training, and mentoring educators, students, and families globally, Kim has spoken at numerous conferences, consults for school districts, serves on SEL panels, and contributes to various publications and podcasts. Through Teaching Inside Out, as well as her second company, SELebrate Good Times, she has created a supportive community for heart-centered educators nationwide where she is committed to making teachers feel seen, valued, and SELebrated at her events and teacher retreats. Kim's upcoming book, "Becoming The Bison," is set to be published in 2025.
She currently resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband, Shaun, and son, Wyatt, and is looking forward to spreading her knowledge of SEL and best practices in teaching even further to schools, districts, and homes around the world.
Visit SELebrate Good Times to learn more about the teacher community that is changing lives all over the country, and her annual National SELebration: The Bloom!