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Kim Gameroz, Founder & CEO



Founder & CEO

A letter from the CEO:

Welcome to

Teaching Inside Out

Here at Teaching Inside Out, we look from the outside in, so you can teach from the inside out. Our mission is to equip educators, as well as administrative teams at the district level, with the tools and support they need to excel in Social Emotional Learning (SEL), foster a culture of well-being and emotional intelligence, and create common systems and a common language across their school sites.


In today's educational landscape, the importance of mental health and emotional intelligence cannot be overstated. Our program not only addresses the mental health of both students and educators, but it also focuses on building the emotional intelligence necessary for success in and out of the classroom.

This is not a one-and-done coaching session or program. We provide genuine, ongoing support to our educators so that they know that someone is always in their corner and they don’t have to do this work alone. Backed by years of comprehensive coaching and mentorship, our program is designed for longevity and sustainability. We understand that lasting change requires consistent support and guidance. That's why we provide monthly, and weekly, support from our dedicated Teacher Mentors, as well as just-in-time assistance, ensuring educators have the resources they need to feel seen, valued, and empowered to do this work for years to come.

At Teaching Inside Out, we pride ourselves on showing districts how SEL can be seamlessly integrated into the academic school day and across all content areas. Unlike boxed curriculums of the past, our approach is not scripted. There are no lesson plans, activities, or extra fluff and stuff. Our teachers don’t need one more thing on their plates, and that is why our mentorship feels different. Instead, we focus on filling in the gaps and providing personalized coaching and a roadmap tailored to each district's unique needs. Our Mentor Teachers are partnered with your educators so that they can give them exactly what they need now so they can teach into the social and emotional skills of our students. Teachers don’t need more Google Docs, links to slide decks or lesson plans. Here at Teaching Inside Out, our number one focus is to make our teachers feel seen, valued, SELebrated, and in a community that will lift them up and run alongside them.

As teachers for teachers, our Mentors work closely with educators and district teams to provide ongoing support, guidance, and professional development. We believe in the power of peer-to-peer learning and mentorship, drawing upon the expertise and experience of seasoned educators to empower others in their professional growth journey. Our goal is to set you up after your fellowship so that you have the systems and cohorts in place to stand the test of time.

If your district is grappling with the emotional exhaustion of teachers, the time crunch of packed schedules, the confidence drain from behavior management challenges, the overwhelming complexity of classroom management, and the struggle to maintain teaching time amidst disruptions, then Teaching Inside Out is exactly what you need.

Teaching Inside Out facilitates the creation of a common language and common systems across all school sites, promoting consistency and collaboration district-wide. We help create a cohesive approach that maximizes impact and promotes equity across the entire district by aligning practices and fostering a shared understanding of SEL and trauma-informed principles.

By investing in Teaching Inside Out, your district can transform the classroom experience, fostering a culture of emotional resilience, time optimization, confidence in behavior management, streamlined classroom processes, increased teaching time, and a unified approach to SEL and trauma-informed practices. Let us help your district overcome its challenges and unlock the full potential of every teacher and student.

All the best,

Kim Gameroz

Kim Gameroz, Founder & CEO
Kim Gameroz, Founder & CEO
"No one is going to change your classroom except for YOU"

What People Are
Saying About Kim

And Teaching Inside Out

Former Director of Education in Southern CA

"To say that Kim is passionate about spreading SEL to our district, the county, and the state would be an understatement. Her heart is filled with goodness and her positive energy is contagious. Kim is changing the lives of students, teachers, and administrators."

2nd Grade Teacher

"I have never been so touched, supported, inspired, and so excited to share the amazing work that I have done with Kim Gameroz this year. In my 30 years of teaching, I have never experienced the growth and mindset shift like I have this year."

1st Grade Teacher, South Dakota

"Game Changer. This is my 29th year of teaching and this is the first year I've felt like I know how to handle behaviors in a way that's positive. I can stay calm, I know what to say, I know what to do... And if I don't I know that I can reach out to Kim to ask a question, and she responds immediately."

5th Grade Teacher

"Kim has really validated what I have been doing for the last 30+ years. She has provided a focus for me as a teacher and how I relate to my students in terms of their social skills, and she's provided a framework for teachers and kids to be their best every day. It has been transformative in the last 2 years that I've worked with her."

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